Mary Ruth (Taylor) Kirkland Obituary
In honor of a kind, beloved and well respected woman, who is mourned by many friends, associates, and relatives, we sadly announce the passing of Mary Ruth (Taylor) Kirkland of West Plains, Missouri. She was born July 25, 1946, in Caulfield, Missouri, and went to be with our Lord on May 3, 2023.
Her parents were Luther Marion Taylor and Mynerva Mattie (Beard) Taylor each of whom preceeded her in death. As a young woman, she married the love of her life, and her very best friend, Kenneth Clyde Kirkland, who was born April 30, 1948, of West Plains, Missouri. He preceeded her in death on September 3, 2017, at the age of 69.
Mary Ruth and Kenneth had no children, but their lives were enriched by their love of God, the admiration of relatives and friends, and many happy years as cattle farmers in the Caulfield area.
Mary Ruth was preceeded in death by her parents, and her siblings: Velma Taylor, Clinton Taylor, Louise (Taylor) Climer, and Dennis Taylor.
Mary Ruth enjoyed music, playing the piano and organ, sewing, knitting, as well as cooking the tasty deer and wild turkey that her husband brought to their table from his successful hunting endeavors.
She and her husband attended Amy Baptist Church. She put great value on prayer and often prayed for family and friends near and far. She sometimes sent encouraging words, bible verse booklets, and other items to show empathy and to encourage others who were having serious health issues or a rough time. Through such actions, she became one who was viewed by others as a positive, uplifting role model.
She will be buried May 6, 2023, beside her husband, at Baptist Hill Church, near Bakersfield, Missouri. There will be a private graveside service for family which will be held at 1:15 PM. A public graveside service will be at 2:00 PM and last until approximately 3:30 PM.
May 3, 2023