Patricia Anne Bono's obituary , Passed away on November 15, 2017 in Jefferson City, Missouri

Patricia Anne Bono

May 5, 1938 - November 15, 2017 (79 years old)

Jefferson City, Missouri

Patricia Anne Bono's obituary , Passed away on November 15, 2017 in Jefferson City, Missouri

Funeral arrangement under the care of
Jay B. Smith Funeral Homes


Patricia Anne Bono

May 5, 1938 - November 15, 2017 (79 years old)

Jefferson City, Missouri

Patricia Anne Bono Obituary

Dear daughter of the late Raymond and Arless Harvey. Loving Mother of Tony McLaughlin, Sharon Christakos, and Donna (DeAmon) Hogue. Cherished Grandmother ofJennifer (Eric) Davis , Joshua (Carla) Johnson, DeAmon (D.J) Hogue Jr., Lauren (Seth) Bauman, and Erica Hogue. Great Grandchildren Khloe Rose Davis, Jaden Bauman, Lena Bauman, Mekhi DuHart, and Dreyce DuHart.

Dear sister of the late Jim Harvey. She loved to Shop, eat out, and watch classic movies. Member of Red Hat Society.Church attended Concord Baptist Church in Jefferson City MO. In Leiu of flowers donation to Alzheimer Association, 225 North Michigan ave. Chicago, IL 60601 or go to and make donation in memory of Patricia Bono.

Funeral arrangement under the care of
Jay B. Smith Funeral Homes

Updated by : Anthony Lee McLaughlin

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A person wrote a message from the heart


Words of sympathy

November 16, 2017

Anthony Lee McLaughlin wrote a sympathy message

“Mom, I will always Love and Adore you. Your son, Tony All of your family & grandchildren miss and love, you too. In closing mom, Da, Dahda, Dd, Da, ~ Da Da. Loving you always.”


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Nov 20



Nov 21

Funeral service

Jay B. Smith Maplewood Chapel
7456 Manchester Road, Maplewood 63143

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