Shirley Sue Hill Obituary
Shirley Sue Hill, the daughter of the late Jesse Hill and Zella Book Hill, was born on November 28, 1955.
On August 24, 2012, in Piggott, AR, she was united in marriage to John Abbott. He preceded her in death on December 12, 2015.
Mrs. Hill died Sunday, November 6, 2022, at his residence in Gideon, MO, at the age of 66 years.
Survivors include 2 daughters, Valerie Patterson of Fort Smith, AR and Jennifer Jenkins and husband, Lucas of Paragould, AR; 4 grandchildren, Tyler, Cierra, Gabriel and Harley and a host of other relatives and friends.
She was preceded in death by 4 brothers, Sonny Hill, Jerry Hill, Harold "Shorty" Hill and Phillip Hill and 1 sister, Charlotte Black.