Glenn Benno Dobis Obituary
It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Glenn Dobis (59), Avon, MN on January 22, 2025. He spent about 20 years in the US Army and was Honored multiple time with skill and breast badges and retired instead of relisting due to medical conditions. Glenn was preceded in death by his mother-Arlene (Schleppenbach) Dobis, father-Alfred Dobis, Jr., and brother-Michael Dobis. Surviving siblings: Timothy Dobis, Thomas Dobis, Gregory Dobis, and Michelle (Shelly Dobis) Koopmeiners [Mark]. Son’s Aaron and Randy. We ask for all who knew Glenn to say a perpetual prayer as Glenn requested that no mass or service be prepared, instead to be cremated and have an urn interment on Friday, February 21, 2025, with Honors at the Little Falls State Cemetery.