Stephen D. Davidson Obituary
A memorial event will be held with the date and time to be announced shortly. Memorial contributions may be made to charity of one's choice, in c/o the funeral home.
Age 54, of Vicksburg passed away Tuesday afternoon, July 23, 2024. Steve was born in Bay City, MI on June 14, 1970 the son of Kenneth and Carol (Stafford) Davidson. Steve was an avid boater. He enjoyed being on Lake Michigan, off the South Haven shore. He loved sports of all kinds, but especially liked hockey and watching his son's games. He was a master fly-fisherman and he had taught all of his sons how to fly-fish as well. Harley riding was a passion for Steve. Nothing was more important to him than his family. He had a nickname for everyone. He loved all of them, and they also loved him, and will sorely miss him. Steve is survived by his sons, Joshua Davidson, Jacob Davidson and Jeremy Davidson; his true love, Jennifer Lane; step-sons, Colin Cady and Devin Johns; his father, Kenneth (Mary) Davidson; his mother, Carol (Barry) Thompson; brothers, Kenneth (Susan) Davidson, Jeffrey (Jodi) Davidson; nieces and nephews, Brandon, Jeffrey, Nicholas, Kyle, Katie; uncles, John (Alma) Stafford and Bill (Kay) Davidson; and countless friends including his four legged friends, Bauer and Cooper. Steve was preceded in death by his grandparents.