Mary M Saub's obituary , Passed away on February 22, 2022 in Lansing, Michigan

Mary M Saub

February 22, 1939 - February 22, 2022 (83 years old)

Lansing, Michigan

Mary M Saub's obituary , Passed away on February 22, 2022 in Lansing, Michigan

Funeral arrangement under the care of
Tiffany Funeral Home


Mary M Saub

February 22, 1939 - February 22, 2022 (83 years old)

Lansing, Michigan

Mary M Saub Obituary

Mary (Beachnau) Saub, a beautiful soul, earned her wings to be with her heavenly father. Mary was born on February 22, 1939 to Clifford and Margaret Beachnau in Lansing, Michigan. She passed away from this earth and was reborn again on February 22, 2022.

Mary was the matriarch and guiding light of her family. She was a beloved and devoted wife, mother and grandmother and will be truly missed.

She is proceeded in death by her parents. She is survived by her beloved husband of 64 years, David Saub, whom she lovingly called "Dad", their three children, Cheri Saub, Shelly (Dan) Villarreal, and James (Augette) Saub. She is also survived by her five grandchildren, Vanessa Saub, James Saub Jr., Anthony Saub, Nicholas Villarreal, and Ashley Villarreal. Mary is also survived by her two sisters, Ann Simon and Barbara (Terry). Butler along with several cousins, nieces and nephew.

Mary did not like to be the center of attention, therefore, her service will be held only for her immediate family. In lieu of flowers, contributions can be made to Sparrow Hospice House of Mid-Michigan or your favorite animal shelter.

May God hold and keep you in His loving arms until we meet again.

Funeral arrangement under the care of
Tiffany Funeral Home

Updated by : Cheri Saub


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