Terry Tweedy Obituary
No public service is planned. Terry will be laid to rest next to his parents at Lakeview Cemetery, Decatur. Memorial contributions may be made to the charity of one's choice, in c/o the funeral home.
Age 74 of Kalamazoo passed away Monday afternoon, February 17, 2025. Terry was born in Paw Paw on July 27, 1950, the son of Jimmie and Peggy (Brigham) Tweedy. Terry was a 1968 graduate of Portage Central High School. In high school he was in many theatrical productions and was on the wrestling team. Terry proudly served his nation in the United States Navy. While in the Navy he sang in the Blue Jacket Choir. Terry is survived by his twin brother, Thomas L. (Jackie) Tweedy of Vicksburg; his sister, Mary Ann Tweedy of Vicksburg; niece, Sheri (Fred) Taylor III; nephews, Mark (Sara) Tweedy and Ben (Jessi) Tweedy; eight great nieces and nephews; aunts, uncles and several cousins; and many friends. Terry was preceded in death by his parents.