Ruth Ann Diamond Obituary
In accordance with her wish, cremation will take place and she will be laid to rest privately at Ft. Custer National Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to the charity of one's choice, c/o the funeral home.
Age 82, of Kalamazoo, MI, passed away on February 2, 2025, surrounded by loved ones. She was born in Grand Rapids, MI, on March 26, 1942, the daughter of the late William and Kessie (French) VanDoorne. Ruth Ann was a kind and gentle woman who had a warm smile and welcoming personality. She enjoyed being at home spending time in the kitchen cooking, baking and trying new recipes. Her home and her heart were always open to those in need, and all were welcome around her table. She loved her family and was especially proud of her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. On August 29, 1998, she married Leaonard F. Diamond who preceded her in passing in 2010. She was the proud mother of five children, Barbara Bell, William Pontius, Jackie Keaton, Frank Worden and Sally Worden; many grandchildren and several great-grandchildren.