Nathan S. Hawley Obituary
Cremation will take place and no services are scheduled at this time. In lieu of flowers memorials may be directed to the Kalamazoo Humane Society, c/o the funeral home.
Age 23, passed away at his home on May 19, 2024, of natural causes. He was born in Kalamazoo on May 31, 2000. Nathan was kind, considerate and full of joy. He loved life and was a gift to have as a friend, co-worker or family. His welcoming smile and positive attitude will be missed by all those who knew him. Nathan grew up in Parchment and graduated from Parchment High School Class of 2018. He had a mind for gaming and loved spending time playing with friends online. He worked hard at Walmart on Shaver Rd and made friends of his co-workers. When not working he enjoyed spending time with his faithful companion dog "Luna". Above all Nathan loved his family and he leaves them with wonderful memories to cherish. He will be missed and cherished. Nathan is survived by his Parents, Brian (Teresa) Hawley; many siblings; extended family and friends.