John F. Myers Jr. Obituary
In accordance with his wish cremation will take place and John will be laid to rest at Ft. Custer National Cemetery at a later date. Memorial contributions may be made to the charity of one's choice, c/o the funeral home.
Age 79, of Kalamazoo, passed away on January 24, 2025. He was born in Kalamazoo on August 9, 1945, the son of the late John F. Sr. and Eveyln (Wells) Myers. After graduating from Kalamazoo Central High School John enlisted in the U.S. Army, served in Vietnam was honorably discharged in 1968. John had a passion for cooking and worked as a cook for many years. When not working he enjoyed hunting and going to casinos. Though quiet and reserved, John loved his family and friends and left behind kind memories to be cherished. He is survived by his loving sister, Joan Golkosky; a special friend "Beaver"; several nieces and nephews. He was also preceded in passing by two sisters, Janet Miller and Joyce Mitchell.