Adrianna Anderson's obituary , Passed away on December 30, 2024 in Kalamazoo, Michigan

Adrianna Anderson

January 4, 1936 - December 30, 2024 (88 years old)

Kalamazoo, Michigan

Adrianna Anderson's obituary , Passed away on December 30, 2024 in Kalamazoo, Michigan

Adrianna Anderson

January 4, 1936 - December 30, 2024 (88 years old)

Kalamazoo, Michigan

Adrianna Anderson Obituary

Age 88 of Kalamazoo, passed away on Monday night, December 30, 2024. Adrianna was born in Portland, ME, on January 4, 1936, the daughter of Carl and Marguerite (Crush) Anderson. At Portland High School, Adrianna was known as the girl with all the looks, tops with everyone. She was on her high school class executive board, was in the Senior class play, played in the band and took pre-nursing courses. Adrianna enjoyed crafts, making afghans and blankets. Adrianna loved animals of all kinds and had several pets over the years. She was a very outgoing person and found it easy to make friends. Adrianna is survived by her children, Andrew (Kristie) Stafford, Jay (Kathy) Anderson, Bruce (Jody House) Stafford; seven grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; brother, Alan (Sharon) Anderson; nephew, Jeff (Zoe) Anderson; and many friends. Adrianna was preceded in death by her parents; son, Mark Stafford; daughter, Julie Anne Stafford.

Authorized by Joldersma & Klein Funeral Home

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