Herbert M. Morris Obituary
In accordance with his wish cremation will take place and he will be laid to rest at Ft. Custer National Cemetery at a later date. Memorial contributions may be made to the ALS Association- Michigan Chapter, c/o the funeral home.
Age 71, passed away at Gladwin Pines in Gladwin, MI, on June 12, 2023. He was born in Pontiac, MI, on January 17, 1952, the son of the late Herbert and Ada (Wagner) Morris. Herbert was a loving husband, father, grandfather, and friend who will be missed by all who loved him. He worked hard to provide for his family as an over the road truck driver for more than thirty-five years. After retiring he spent many of his days at home surrounded by family and pets. He enjoyed being outdoors, golfing, taking walks and camping with family. He loved classic cars and enjoyed attending local car shows when possible. He was a loyal Detroit sports fan and cheered on his teams through thick and thin. He had a strong faith and was a member of Valley Family Church. Above all Herbert loved his family, was especially proud of his children and grandchildren and leaves behind many wonderful memories to cherish. His smile, laughter and warmth will be missed. On March 21, 2014, he married his loving wife, Susan (Vosburgh) Morris who survives. He is also survived by his children, Mark (Julie) Morris, Jeremy (Julie) Morris, Heather (Brian) Reinhardt and Cody (Ashley) Carey; two grandchildren with one on the way; siblings, Thomas Morris, Ronald (Mary Ann) Morris, David (Kathy) Morris, Richard (Connie) Morris; broth-in-law, Randy Price; several nieces, nephews and his loyal companion dog, "Sophie" and cat, "Winnie". He was also preceded in passing by a sister, Barbara Price; brother, Jimmy Morris and a loyal dog, "Nokie".