Charles Michael Winnicki Obituary
Charles Michael Winnicki (Love), Sr. (aka. Chuck, Bud, Fox). 85, of Canton MI, Durango CO, Traverse City, Acme MI, Sault Ste Marie MI, Cadillac MI., passed away on the morning of Thursday 16 December 2021, a little after 8am from the Covid-19 Corona virus.
He was resting comfortably and went while sleeping. He contracted Covid-19 Tuesday 7 December 2021 at his assisted living center in Canton MI. He had no symptoms until Saturday 11 December 2021 when he developed a fever of 103F/40C.
He was transported to the University of Michigan Hospital, Ann Arbor MI where he fell asleep and did not wake up.
His breathing was normal, and he did not require oxygen or a respirator.
He was 85 years old and went the way he wanted.
It is with great relief that he didn’t suffer.
His Parents were Charles Ludwig Winnicki 1899-1956 and Bertha Marie (Smith) Winnicki 1895-1979. He is survived by three children, Charles Michael Winnicki II, Ryan Patrick Winnicki, and Courtney Lynn Overholt.
He left specific instructions regarding memorial services. "Upon my death, I wish to be cremated as soon as possible. That there be NO funeral for me, no meeting of remembrance or the like because funerals and such are for the living, not the dead. For those who want to remember me, their memories will serve them adequately. My ash remains will be delivered to my son, Ryan Patrick Winnicki."
He was "Proud to be one of the few" USMC veteran who served during the Korean War 1954-1956 Cpl "I" Co 3-3-3 FMF PAC
December 20, 2021
Helen Hoskins wrote a sympathy message
December 20, 2021
David Goudreau wrote a sympathy message