Dorothy S. Matthews Obituary
It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing on November 1, 2023, of our beloved matriarch Dorothy Shelley Matthews of Rockport MA and formerly of Kingston, NY.
It was her wish that she not be defined as someone's daughter, wife or mother in this notice. Dot felt that she was just a woman who was fortunate to have lived a wonderful life full of adventurefor 95 years.
She will be remembered for her elegance and grace. The lives she touched will be forever grateful for her many acts of kindness. With all our love and admiration, we will miss her.
Arrangements will be private.
In lieu of flowers, contributions in her name can be made to the Rockport Library, 17 School Street Rockport, MA 01966.
Arrangements by the Greely Funeral Home, 212 Washington Street, Gloucester.