Emily Louise Mugford Obituary
Emily Louise Mugford Age 93 died peacefully on her bed in her house where she share with three other ladies on Wednesday November 10 2021.
Emily was born on July 19 1928 at Chelsea Massachusetts she was a daughter of late Roland Mufgford and Minnie Penny. She was single and leaving with her parents until they passed away. She was diagnosed as incapacitate person to leave on her own . The commonwealth of Massachusetts family court appointed a Guardian for her in February 27 2012 ; then she joint the Cooperative for Human services company. Her housemates , the staff taking care of her were her family .She was spending her time attending the day program at Wilmington MA before the pandemic. She had a passion for the vacation camp to see old and new friends. She also love attending the Sunday church service.
A funeral service is schedule for 11AM on November 18/2021 at 11 AM at Carafa Family funeral Home 389 Washington Avenue Chelsea MA follow by the burial at Glenwood cemetery Everett Mayflower's and Condolences can be donated at the funeral Home.