Beverly Partin Armand Obituary
Beverly P. Armand Beverly, age 70, passed away on Wednesday, January 25, 2023. She was a resident of Baker, LA. Beverly lived life to the fullest and was always up for an adventure. She loved music, especially dancing music. Beverly would grab whichever family member she was with, compel them to dance with her wherever they may be at the time; indoors, outdoors, parking lots, meadows, daytime, nighttime… she absolutely loved her music and loved to dance. Beverly never met a stranger. It seemed that no matter where she was, Beverly either knew someone there or before she left she made several new friends. Beverly liked gardening and being outside in the fresh air. She always cared for everyone and was happiest if she could serve you a meal. Beverly loved to be surrounded by her loved ones and just adored all of her grandbabies. She was a wonderful mother and one of a kind grandmother that will be deeply missed.
Beverly is survived by her daughters, Robyn D. Manske, Ashley N. Lofton; son, Cody L. Armand; and grandchildren, J. "Hunter" Pourciau, Jazmine N. Armwood, Angel L. Lofton, Ashlynn N. Voytas, Johnathan L. Armand, Harlee A. Armand, Chloe A. Lofton, N. "Connor" Pourciau, Easton P. Pourciau, Khloe A. Montecino, and Kaia A. Montecino; mother, Ruby L. Partin; brothers, Douglas W. Partin, and Earnest W. Partin.
Beverly is preceded in death by her father, Douglas W. Partin; and brother, Donald E. Partin.