Shane Allen Tolley Obituary
It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Shane Allen Tolley, who was hit while at work on 8/20/2018 and passed away on September 5, 2018, at the age of only 20.
Shane Allen Tolley was the Most Amazing Son, Brother, Uncle, Grandson, Nephew, and Friend to All.
Shane was Smart, Honest, Funny, Ambitious, Compassionate, Respectful, Hard Working, Strong, Both Mentally and Physically and was Truly Grateful for Everything he had, and had Earned in his 20 short years here.
He Graduated High School early and was a 3rd year College Student while working a full time job in the Electrical Industry and he Loved every moment of Everyday.
" His Enthusiasm for Life was and Inspiration to All", He Loved and Inspired Us All in So Many Different Ways ... But Always for the Best!
He is Forever Loved and Missed and His Life ... Though Way Too Short was Filled With Family, Friendships, Meaning, Purpose, Laughter, and Love!
He leaves behind his Loving family and Lots of Great Friends all who Love and Miss Him Dearly:
Steve and Tina Tolley - (Parents)
Stephen, Sierra, Skye, and Summer - (Siblings)
Philip and Maria Bordelon and Verle and Colleen Tolley - (Grand Parent's)
Toby, Travis, Tad, and Ty - (Uncle's)
Family and friends are welcome to leave their condolences on this memorial page and share them with the family.