Alicia Dawn Bealer's obituary , Passed away on November 14, 2023 in Erlanger, Kentucky

Alicia Dawn Bealer

September 24, 1991 - November 14, 2023 (32 years old)

Erlanger, Kentucky

Alicia Dawn Bealer's obituary , Passed away on November 14, 2023 in Erlanger, Kentucky

Funeral arrangement under the care of
Halo Cremations


Alicia Dawn Bealer

September 24, 1991 - November 14, 2023 (32 years old)

Erlanger, Kentucky

Alicia Dawn Bealer Obituary

Alicia Dawn Bealer Obituary in Columbus at Halo Cremations – Halo Cremations.

Bealer, Alicia Dawn, 32, of Erlanger, Kentucky, passed away on November 14, 2023 at Jewish Hospital in Louisville, Kentucky, after a long battle with a chronic illness. She was born on September 24, 1991, in Georgetown, Ohio. She was preceded in death by her father, William Bealer of Ripley, Ohio, Paternal Grandfather, Cecil Bealer Sr. of Ripley, Ohio, maternal Grandmother Diana Nipper (nee Worthington) of Moscow, Ohio, and Maternal Grandfather Lonnie Nipper of Moscow, Ohio. She is survived by her children, Melody Bealer and Rhythem Bealer whom she adored, her loving mother, Darlene Nipper, her Paternal Grandmother, Rose Bealer (nee Pritichett), her beloved sisters Aaliyah Bealer, Angelina Jefferson, and Selena Bennett. She also leaves behind many loving aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, and cousins. When she wasn't raising her children or being a second mom to her sisters, she was a home health care worker. In her free time, she enjoyed music, dancing, and writing poetry. Every year she traveled to Gary, Indiana with her family to celebrate Michael Jackson's birthday. She enjoyed taking her children and sisters to the Cincinnati Zoo and to Kings Island, but her favorite aspect of life was being a mother and spending time with her children. On Saturday evenings, she attended the "CHURCH 922" service at Christ's Chapel in Florence, where a Celebration of Life and Water Baptismal Sendoff officiated by Pastor Craig Moore will be held in the coming weeks. Memorials may be made to Christ's Chapel in Florence.

Funeral arrangement under the care of
Halo Cremations

Updated by : Darlene Nipper

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