Autumn Raine Rossi Obituary
Autumn Raine was born on May 1, 2022 with a beautiful but fatal rare syndrome one that hadn't been seen on ultrasound noticed until after having her.
Autumn fulfilled every little girls dream of being a real mermaid she was born with Sirenomelia, also called mermaid syndrome which has also been documented as a severe type of caudal regression syndrome. I have felt the flicker of mermaid kicks, I've seen the heartbeat of a mermaid and I got to hold you. I've loved you from the start and all the threw the end you never felt pain you never felt cold you will always be loved and forever our child and we will forever be grateful for this experience despite losing you. You were too beautiful for earth. We love you Autumn Raine. Sincerely the mom and dad of a heavenly mermaid.
Autumn Raine is survived by her parents, Christine Brandal and Jonathan Rossi of Creal Springs; two brothers, Michael Nettles and Mason Nettles of Creal Springs, Sister, Emmalynn Rossi of Creal Springs; maternal grandmother, Pamela Tippett of Creal Springs; paternal grandmother, Donna Rossi of Round Lake, Illinois; Aunts, Stephanie Rossi of Round Lake; Jessica Rewis of Carterville; Uncles, William Tippett, Jr. of Carbondale; Thomas Brown of Johnston City; and Brian Brandal of Bastrop, Texas; Cousin, Lexi Johnson of Round Lake, and several other cousins, and great grandfather, John Brandal of North Chicago.
She was preceded in death by her grandfathers, William C. Tippett, Sr., John R. Rossi and Kenneth W. Brandal.