Margaret Willingham's obituary , Passed away on August 6, 2023 in Ford Heights, Illinois

Margaret Willingham

September 27, 1933 - August 6, 2023 (89 years old)

Ford Heights, Illinois

Margaret Willingham's obituary , Passed away on August 6, 2023 in Ford Heights, Illinois

Funeral arrangement under the care of
McCullough Funeral & Cremation Services


Margaret Willingham

September 27, 1933 - August 6, 2023 (89 years old)

Ford Heights, Illinois

Margaret Willingham Obituary

McCullough Funeral & Cremation Services (FH) 1621 East Lincoln Highway Ford Heights, IL 60411 [email protected]. This event will be shown on Mccullough Funeral and Cremation Services website on the day of service.

Funeral arrangement under the care of
McCullough Funeral & Cremation Services

Updated by : Darren Huff


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Aug 26

Memorial service

Mccullough Funeral and Cremation Services
1621 E Lincoln Hwy, Ford Heights, IL 60411