Etoy Chandler's obituary , Passed away on June 5, 2018 in East Saint Louis, Illinois

Etoy Chandler

July 7, 1946 - June 5, 2018 (71 years old)

East Saint Louis, Illinois

Etoy Chandler's obituary , Passed away on June 5, 2018 in East Saint Louis, Illinois

Funeral arrangement under the care of
Officer Funeral Home


Etoy Chandler

July 7, 1946 - June 5, 2018 (71 years old)

East Saint Louis, Illinois

Etoy Chandler Obituary

In Memory of MS. ETOY CHANDLER -- Officer Funeral Home, PC, East St. Louis, IL.

Funeral arrangement under the care of
Officer Funeral Home

Updated by : k chandler


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