Jose Marcos Marcos (Pepe ) Garay's obituary , Passed away on December 5, 2012 in Dallas City, Illinois

Jose Marcos Marcos (Pepe ) Garay

April 12, 1959 - December 5, 2012 (53 years old)

Dallas City, Illinois

Jose Marcos Marcos (Pepe ) Garay's obituary , Passed away on December 5, 2012 in Dallas City, Illinois

Jose Marcos Marcos (Pepe ) Garay

April 12, 1959 - December 5, 2012 (53 years old)

Dallas City, Illinois

Jose Marcos Marcos (Pepe ) Garay Obituary

Jose Marcos Garay was born in mexico and passed away December, 5 2012.he is survied by his two daughters. Ericka Nicole Garay , Alexis Marie Garay, 11 sisters, and 1 Brother.

Updated by : Alexis Garay

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