Pedro Luis Porrata Obituary
It is with great sadness that the family of Pedro Luis Porrata announces his sudden passing on Tuesday, February 16, 2021, at the young age of 63. Pedro is survived by his wife of 30 years, Nadine Rose Porrata; his children Anna, Jennifer, LeeShawn, Michelle, Joseph, and Stephanie; 8 grandchildren; 2 great-grandchildren; and 5 siblings.
Piloto, as he was affectionately called, will be dearly missed by all that knew him. He was an incredible and unique man whose laughter was contagious and his presence filled the room. His love, generosity, and wisdom extended well beyond his family. His faith in God, devotion to family, and need to serve others, particularly those in need, were always strong and inspiring. Piloto dedicated much of his life to the service of those around him and the concept of charity. He could often be seen making repairs to the church, assisting with the fresh food truck in Humbolt Park, collecting toys for children during the holidays, and fixing the vehicles of random strangers in the street. He treasured the friendships of every single person around him, making sure to induct many as honorary Porratas and bringing them home for the holidays. For those friends that passed on before him, Piloto made sure their families would always be acknowledged and legacies were never forgotten.
While he cherished rebuilding cars and was an impassioned pet advocate, nothing in this world compared to his unbridled passion for his wife and the unconditional love he had for all of his children; and while he often joked about the order of importance, family always came first. He was always thankful to God for having his children, for having such a large and caring family, and was proud of all their accomplishments-big or small. Every stepping stone and hurdle overcome or accomplishment made was something he was proud and blessed to be a part of.
He will live on in our hearts, memories, prayers, thoughts, and laughter forever.
Please join us on Feb. 23rd and Feb. 24 as we honor the life and legacy of Pedro L. Porrata.
April 27, 2022
Joseph Alexander Porrata lit a candle
February 23, 2021
Ryanne and the Amobee team sent flowers
February 23, 2021
American Society of Plumbing Engineers lit a candle
February 23, 2021
American Society of Plumbing Engineers sent flowers
February 23, 2021
Mary Sue Honigschmidt sent flowers
February 22, 2021
Jack O'Shea - O'Hare lit a candle
February 22, 2021
Jack O'Shea - O'Hare sent flowers