Michael Wayne Helveston Obituary
It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Michael Wayne Helveston (Perry, Iowa), who passed away on May 22, 2019, at the age of 58. Michael was born Nov 12th, 1960 to Lester Helveston and Betty Urich in Kittery, Maine. He was in the Army '77-'79 and truly enjoyed life. In 1999 he met his wife, Holly Lane. They were married May 14th, 1999 in Fulton, Missouri. Mike was preceded in death by his mother and brother Paul. Michael is survived by his wife, stepchildren, Donald McChesney II (Clive), Stephanie McChesney (Perry), granddaughter Amber Carmichael (Perry), sister Chris Fowler (Fort Dodge), and many nieces and nephews. Michael will be deeply missed by family and friends.