Doris Irene (Hilligas) Frese Obituary
Doris Frese 80, of Chelsea Iowa passed away April 5, 2024 from a battle with lung cancer. Services were held April 12, 2024 at Hrabak-Neuhaus funeral home Belle Plaine Iowa and April 13 a celebration of life was held in Chelsea. Her husband Larry Frese originally from Thorp WI and they still have a place they call home in rural Thorp across from the old family farm. Doris loved to visit and go mum shopping. She has 3 children Tracey Frese of Chelsea, Emmet Frese Chelsea, and Dorothy (MaryBeth) Frese of Marshalltown Ia. She spoiled her grandchildren Bo, Olivia, McKenna and Dalton. Cards can be sent to Larry Frese 108 Jacobs St Chelsea Ia , 52215. A memorial fund is going to be set for scholarships for academics and for various organizations in the city and flowers for the city planters.