Billie Sue (Clark) Durden Obituary
Billie Durden, 58, of Swainsboro, Georgia, passed on suddenly on September 08, 2022. Billie was born on October 29 1964.
She was born to Wiley and Judy Clark on October 29, 1964 in Leesburg Florida. She married Mitchell Lavant Durden Jr in 1985 and had two kids, Heather and Mitchell III. She was a Air Force wife and moved to Chicksands Air Force Base in England where they spent 4 years. They were later sent to Germany where she was able to reconnect with family. In 1999 her husband was stationed at Offutt Air Force base in Bellevue, NE where her husband retired from the Air Force. In 2012 Billie Sue moved her family to Swainsboro, GA where she passed away.
Billie Sue had 6 grand kids, Dezirae Henning, Abigial Henning and Natalie Henning (of Georgia). Maddison Durden, McKenzie Durden and Mitchell Durden (of Missouri).
Billie Sue is survived by her sisters Jennifer and Terri and her brother Jimmy (of Florida). She is also survived by her husband Mitchell Durden, her kids Heather Fitch (of Georgia) and Mitchell Durden (of Missouri) and her six grandkids. She is also survived by her step mother Bonnie Clark (of Florida).
There will be a celebration of life at Durden Funeral Home in Swainsboro GA on September 10th at 5pm and another service will be held in Ramstein Germany, where she will be buried, on September 20th at 6pm.
She will live in our hearts and memories forever. Gone but never forgotten!!