Donnie Wynne Obituary
Hawkinsville – Donnie Wynne, age 50, went to be with the Lord Wednesday, December 11, 2019, in Navicent Health in Macon. Memorial services will be private. Donnie had lived most of his life in Cochran. He was the son of the late Bobby D. Wynne and preceded in death by several aunts and uncles. He was a tree surgeon and a member of Blue Springs Church in Pineview.
Survivors are his wife, Beth Wynne of Cochran; his children D.J. Wynne, Audrey Wynne and Bobby D. Wynne of Cochran; his mother, Patricia Wynne of Cochran; his identical twin brother, Ronnie (Karen) Wynne of Hawkinsville; older brother, Darren McLeod of Montrose; several nieces, nephews, cousins and many friends; his very special great aunt, Frances Blankenship of Byron and several aunts and uncles.