Jonathon Ryon Shults's obituary , Passed away on February 26, 2022 in Spring Hill, Florida

Jonathon Ryon Shults

August 11, 1981 - February 26, 2022 (40 years old)

Spring Hill, Florida

Jonathon Ryon Shults's obituary , Passed away on February 26, 2022 in Spring Hill, Florida

Funeral arrangement under the care of
Downing Funeral Home & Cremation Services


Jonathon Ryon Shults

August 11, 1981 - February 26, 2022 (40 years old)

Spring Hill, Florida

Jonathon Ryon Shults Obituary

Jonathon R. Shults of Spring Hill was born August 11, 1981 in Detroit, MI. He passed away suddenly February 26, 2022. He was a beautiful soul. He is survived by his loving wife, Monica; his son Jonathon Jr.;. His daughters, Julianna and Sophia; his mother and father, Julie and Donald; his sister and brother, Melissa and Erik; and his sister in law, Jen and niece, Mila. He will be incredibly missed by all.

Funeral arrangement under the care of
Downing Funeral Home & Cremation Services

Updated by : Jonathon Shults


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