Ramiro Antonio Lemaitre Obituary
Ramiro Antonio Lemaitre Turbay passed away Sunday June 14th in Pompano Beach, Florida.
Ramiro was born on November 24, 1995 to Luis Fernando Lemaitre and Soraya Turbay in Boston, Massachusetts. For most of us he was simply “Rami”. He had the greatest smile and the noblest heart. He was a good friend to many, always checking in and offering support when we needed it. He never said no to a good burger and often gulped them down with a Mellow Yellow. When he liked something it was always the “ best he ever had”. He gave the longest, deepest hugs and loved to cuddle in bed with his mom. He never let you get of the phone without an “I love you”. He was a loyal Celtics and Patriots fan. When he played basketball he felt at home and seemed free from the anxiety that plagued most of his life.
Rami loved video games, music and was often found freestyle rapping while sitting outside in his garden. He had a deep connection to all animals, especially dogs and was grieving the passing of his adored english pointer Marmalade when he died. We find comfort knowing that they are together. He worked hard for years to earn his High school diploma and was so proud to have achieved this just a week ago. He loved to learn but hated to read so he watched endless documentaries on subjects that interested him- mostly sports and history. He was funny and silly and his laughter will be so deeply missed.
Above all, he cared deeply for his family and friends and loved his nieces and nephew. Rami is survived by his parents Fernando and Soraya, his sister Catalina, her husband Juan and their children Tomas and Matilde, his brother Luis, his wife Samantha and their children Aliana and Sylvie, as well as many aunts, uncles, cousins and friends who he loved and who loved him.
In lieu of flowers memorial donations may be given to Pointer Rescue (pointerrescue.org) at 9949 Mallow Street, Manassas, VA 20110. We think supporting this organization would have made him so happy.
Ramiro Antonio Lemaitre Turbay murio este 14 de Junio en Pompano Beach, Florida.
Hijo de Luis Fernando Lemaitre y Soraya Turbay, Ramiro nacio en noviembre 24 de 1995 en Boston, Massachusetts. Casi todos lo conocimos simplemente como “Rami”. De gran sonrisa Y corazon noble, Rami fue un gran amigo para muchas personas, de las que siempre siempre estuvo pendiente y a las cuales les ofrecio su apoyo. Jamas se nego a disfrutar una buen hamburguesa, con frecuencia junto con un buen trago de Mellow Yellow. Cuando algo le gustaba, siempre se referia A ello como “el/la mejor que haya probado”. Rami daba los mas largos y profundos abrazos y amaba “apechicharse” con su mama en la cama. Jamas colgo el telefono sin decir “te quiero”. Fue un devoto fan de los Celtics y los Patriots. Cuando jugaba al basketball se sentia a gusto, libre de la ansiedad que lo atormento casi toda su vida. Rami amaba los video juegos y la musica y con frecuencia podria encontrarse “freestyle rapping” en su jardin. Tenia una profunda conexion con los animales, especialmente los perros, y al momento de su muerte aun sufria el deceso reciente de Marmalade, su amada pointer inglesa.
Encontraremos consuelo en saber que hoy estan juntos. Rami trabajo por mucho tiempo para lograr su graduacion de bachillerato y estaba orgulloso de haberlo logrado por fin hace escasamente una semana. Amaba aprender, pero odiaba leer por lo cual diesfrutaba viendo documentales sobre historia y deportes. Rami era gracioso y travieso y extranaremos su risa profundamente.
Ante todo, quiso profundamente a su familia, sus amigos y especialmente a sus sobrinos.
Le sobreviven sus padres, Fernando y Soraya, su hermana Catalina y su esposo Juan con sus hijos Tomas y Matilde, su hermano Luis y su esposa Samantha con sus hijas Aliana y Sylvie, al igual que muchos tios, tias primos, primas y amigos quienes lo amaban y a quienes amo.
Pedimos que no se envien flores. En su reemplazo sugerimos una donacion a Pointer Rescue (http://www.pointerrescue.org), 9949 Mallow Street, Manassas, VA 20110. Esto lo haria muy feliz.
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