Dorothy A. Furey Obituary
Dorothy A. Furey of the Villages FL. Widow of John Furey, born February 7, 1940, in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Dorothy lived in Puerto Rico, Switzerland, and New Hampshire
She moved to The Villages, FL, In 2007, until her death on July 29, 2023.
She spent her career as a restauranteur at 'The Old Steak Barn' in New Hampshire, then as a Realtor for Re/Max prop.1 for 22 years.
Our mother lived a full life, loved tennis, golf, swimming, and gardening.
Our mother's survivors are her siblings, Milton Garland, Madeline Garland, and Thomas Garland.
She is also survived by her children, Edward Fasnacht, Katherine Fasnacht, and Madeleine Gaddis; and her 6 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren.
The service for Dorothy Furey will be held at St. Mark's church in the Villages FL. Wednesday, August 23, 2023, at 10.00 AM.
Address: 7081 SE Hwy 42 Summer Field, FL. 34491
Donations are welcome to HAVEN of Lake & Sumter Counties, UNC.
(352) 753-5800
August 3, 2023
Deb Gefteas wrote a sympathy message