Rae M. Marie Gornicki Obituary
Rae M. (Stratton) Gornicki, 89 of Largo, FL, formerly of Niagara Falls, NY, passed on April 25, 2017. A devoted wife, awesome grandma, one-of-a-kind mother, with a laugh that was full of joy. Rae was a member of the Elks Lodge #2159, Largo, and the American Legion Post #119, Largo. She is survived by her husband of 40 years, Stanley Gornicki and children, Christine David and Tom (Angela) David. Predeceased by daughter, Lyn Senik; Rae has four Christian DeFazio, Samantha LoBianco, Jason Senik, Jamie Senik and three great-grandchildren. Rae loved making quilts for her family and enjoyed the warmth of Florida. She will always be with us....