Felicia M. Wendt Obituary
Felicia Marie Wendt, age 33, of Fort Collins, Colorado, died on March 29, 2022.
Felicia was born October 29, 1988, in Rapid City, South Dakota to parents Robert and Janet Wendt. She spent her early childhood in Spearfish, South Dakota until the family relocated to Colorado. She started high school in Corvalis, Oregon, then moved back to Colorado and graduated from Rocky Mountain High School in Fort Collins. She continued her education, studying art and music in college.
Felicia participated in Special Olympics for many years. She loved anime, WWE wrestling, and all sports, closely following CSU sports, the Rockies, the Broncos and the Nuggets. Felicia was involved in the Catholic community as a member of the Knights Angels. Friends and family will miss Felicia's fun-loving and strong-willed spirit.
She is survived by her mother, Janet Wendt; brother, Lynn Wendt, her niece, Victoria Wendt of Plano TX; Aunts, Kay Morgan, of Mitchell SD, Annabelle Hoffman of Parkston SD, and Marlys Elliott of Salem SD; Uncles, Albert Keith Wendt of Marion SD, Dr. Al Ernster of Colorado Springs CO, Ed Engel of Loveland CO, Jim Ernster of Mitchell SD, and Glen and Gene Ernster of Yankton SD; Numerous cousins. Felicia was the youngest grandchild of 55 cousins on the Ernster family;. She was also the youngest cousin of the Wendt grandchildren. A special survivor, her cat, McKinley.
A Rosary will take place at 10:00 am, followed by Mass at 10:30 am, Thursday, April 7, 2022, at St. John XXIII Catholic Church in Fort Collins. A reception will conclude services with details to be determined.