Anthony David Totoro Obituary
Anthony David Totoro/Drinkhouse a.k.a Toto, was born February 26, 1998 with a room full of loved ones to greet him. Our lives forever changed by Chunks. His early years were filled with love and friendship. He had a relationship with Christ and was active in his church. Although in his later years he struggled with life, he remained our Ant. Anthony had many people in his life who loved him and who he loved back he was able to make a friend with almost anyone he met. God took Anthony home on April 25, 2022. He is survived by mom and dad Dave and Robin Totoro, his brother Matt. Drinkhouse, his sister Krista Totoro, his nephews Austin Totoro and Robbie Hamilton, his uncle Gil Drinkhouse, aunt Merrie and uncle Herrbie Densmore, His cousins Josh Drinkhouse, Marissa Quintana, Ashley Siems, his great aunt Frankie and uncle Wayne, his great aunt Nene and uncle Mike, his best friends Nala and Luna, Rachel Sonyi, David McPherson and Devon Brown. Many that were called aunts, as well cousins, second cousins, friends and those he considered family. He is preceded in death by brother Evin Totoro, his nana and pop Drinkhouse, uncle Chuck Drinkhouse, grandma and grandpa T, uncle Charlie Totoro and many more loved ones. We will be gathering on May 12, 2022 at 12:30 at Active Church, 12954 Bryant Street, Yucaipa, CA. 92399 to remember his life and comfort each other in his passing.
May 11, 2022
Someone sent flowers