Keith Richard Taylor Obituary
Keith Taylor, age 64 passed away peacefully on Tuesday, December 8, 2020 at Whittier Hospital.
Keith was born on September 26, 1956 to Judy Davis (mother) and Richard Taylor (Father) in La Puente California. He moved to Whittier California his freshman year of high school and lived with his mother (Judy) and Dad (John Davis). He graduated from California High School in 1974 and lived most of his life in Whittier.
Keith was a devoted father, son and best friend. He enjoyed being with his family. Whether it be coaching the kids when they were little, family boating trips to his favorite cove in NV, watching or going to sporting games, whatever it was as long as he was with his family, he was happy.
Keith is survived by his dad John Davis, Children: Jennifer Taylor-Zelaya, Candice Taylor-Barker, Craig Taylor, 8 Grandchildren, his wife and best friend Rhonda Taylor and many friends and family that will deeply miss him. He is predeceased by his mother Judy Davis, His father Richard Taylor, Brother in law Randy Rusciolelli and Nephew Ryan Rusciolelli.
Keith wishes to spend eternity in his cove in NV. His ashes will be spread by his family at a later date. .