Hadley Marie Hubbard Obituary
Our angel, Hadley Marie Hubbard was so anxious to meet us she arrived early on November 6, 2015 in Santa Clara, CA weighing 1lb 11.5oz and measuring 12.5 inches long. Though her time on earth was short, it was impactful. She consistently surpassed expectations and grew to be a beautiful bouncy baby girl.
Hadley loved being held, her binky, and especially her baths. Her tiny hand would squeeze Mama with every tune she sang and follow Mommy with her eyes endlessly.
A tiny, fierce, perfect bundle of joy, Hadley's fighting spirit had conquered the hearts of her outstanding Nurses and Doctors, but sadly lost the battle with NEC on January 29, 2016.
She was greeted in heaven by her grandparents, Rita Marie Tyrone and Patrick Michael Hubbard and survived by her Mothers, Mary and Danielle (St. John) Hubbard, Loving Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, cousins and countless doting medical staff that called her theirs.