Gianna Marie Freeman Obituary
It is with great sadness we announce the passing of our daughter Gianna and our 34 week old granddaughter Genevieve....G and G as her mother referred to them. Gianna possessed a strong spirit and immense creativity. She was beyond brave. Gianna loved children, animals and "old people." Her life was a full circle returning to the place where she was born to raise her own daughter. Somewhere between what she survived and who she was becoming was exactly where she was meant to be. A butterfly who's wings have been touched can indeed still fly and she flew away much too soon.
Gianna is survived by her mother Janis Pacciorini (Dan) of Lodi and her father Mark Freeman (Sandra) of Seal Beach.
July 15, 2020
Camille Knotts planted 10 trees
June 26, 2020
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June 16, 2020
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June 15, 2020
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June 15, 2020
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