David Guido Fisher Obituary
You, Dad, David Guido Fisher, you graced this world with your presence for 63 years. You impressed us all with your dapper outfits and debonair manner. You treasured your extensive wardrobe of stylish clothes. Namely, you prized your splendid collection of silk neckties and your numerous flamboyant dress shirts that resembled Miami Vice costumes. Dad dressed to kill not to fuel his vanity but to treat his body like the temple it was.
Beyond the mere garments my Dad wore, he set an example for me on how to behave like a gentleman, treating women with fragility and due respect and acting courteously towards everyone regardless of their background. My Dad possessed myriad qualities. He was both amiable and affable, friendly to all showing good faith and easy to talk with no matter the circumstances. He was a lapsed Catholic but lived the gospel by being a vessel of compassion towards anyone in need.
For example, he injected his sincerity, warmth, and displayed his altruism at Open Heart Kitchen where he volunteered for nearly a year. He served those in need: the elderly, veterans, the homeless, and the indigents in general. He earned valued friends through volunteering due to his likable personality. After all, what was there to dislike? He was outwardly easygoing, unpretentious, charismatic, eloquent, hilarious, noble, and embodied a host of other values. Simply put, my Dad was a paragon of virtue. He did not jump to conclusions, tried to give people the benefit of the doubt, and turned the other cheek in the face of transgression.
I will miss trying to decipher Bob Dylan's cryptic lyrics, championing Bruce Springsteen's working-class anthems, and jamming to Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers' heartland rock staples with you. I will miss your calming aura and guidance over troubled waters. I will miss our weekend outings to local nature reserves and sushi bars. I will miss our daily conversations over the phone where you would listen to my droning rants and in turn soothe me with your wisdom. I will miss you. Thank you for ALWAYS having my back during the good and bad times. I love you with all my heart, and I hope to see you again. Rest in peace, youthful soul, renaissance man, prince of G-d.
August 19, 2021
Brian Linney wrote a sympathy message
August 27, 2021
Charleen Countryman wrote a comment