Michael Dean Gillean Obituary
It is with the deepest sorrow and an outpouring of love that we announce the passing of Michael Dean Gillean, who departed on January 29, 2025, in Healdsburg, California at the age of 66. Michael (Mike) leaves behind a wealth of cherished memories treasured by his community and beloved family.
Born in Davenport, Iowa in 1958 to Charles and Sally Gillean, Mike Gillean was a cherished sibling among his four brothers and a sister. Growing up, he developed a strong bond with his family, filled with laughter, and shared adventures. He moved to Healdsburg in 1985 with his wife Brenda and their two daughters, Deb and Shelly. Mike recently retired after forty years of dedicated service to the Sonoma County wine industry, spending the last 17 years of his career as a highly respected Maintenance Technician at Dry Creek Vineyard. His unwavering commitment to his profession and the genuine concern he demonstrated for his colleagues left a lasting impact on all who had the privilege of working with him.
Mike was a loving spouse, parent, grandparent, sibling, and friend. His kindness and passion for sharing brought joy to everyone he encountered. He had an extraordinary gift for making others feel cherished, always greeting them with a gentle smile, a helping hand, a warm hug, or a delightful story. Mike enjoyed nature’s power and beauty, country music, movies, and world’s various phenomena. As he aged, he came to appreciate simpler aspects of life, found satisfaction in small things, and liked sharing his knowledge and beliefs with those around him.
Though time may dim the sound of his name, the love and light Mike brought into the world will forever illuminate the hearts of those who loved him. His spirit and legacy will remain a vivid testament to the richness of his life and the depth of his love. Mike's legacy is not just in the memories he leaves behind, but in the way he lived his life—with integrity, generosity, and an unyielding zest for life. He will be deeply missed, but his spirit will live on in the hearts of all who were fortunate enough to know him.
A service to honor and celebrate Mike's life will be scheduled shortly. Friends, family, and all who were touched by his kindness and warmth are invited to join in commemorating a life well-lived and a man dearly loved.
February 12, 2025
Wesley Gillean wrote a sympathy message