Anne L Sabetta's obituary , Passed away on August 1, 2021 in Chico, California

Anne L Sabetta

September 23, 1950 - August 1, 2021 (70 years old)

Chico, California

Anne L Sabetta's obituary , Passed away on August 1, 2021 in Chico, California

Anne L Sabetta

September 23, 1950 - August 1, 2021 (70 years old)

Chico, California

Anne L Sabetta Obituary

Anne Lorraine Sabetta Wichelman, A woman of stunning beauty and intelligences. A companion for life and best friend always I don't know how come I as so lucky to have her. But I was and for that I'm most grateful. You will be forever missed. The first night we meant I knew she was the one I would marry though it didn't seem like we got along to well, she wanted to break up I asked her to stay for a bottle of wine she agreed I bought a box she ended up staying for life.

She died at 70 years of age of kidney failure there's far too few organ donors out there, because people are so afraid for going to heaven without all their parts as if it's an insult to God. What's an insult to God is not giving. For more on death and what it means to die you can go to Now raising funds to lobby for a change in organ donner policies such as you are an organ donor unless you opted out, than you go to back of the line.

She is survived by her husband and three cats Woozy, Boo Boo's and Sasha. There a couple of children two but they never call I forget their names, I don't think she talked to her son once the entire 26 years of our relationship.

Updated by : Bridget Walker


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