Preston Harry Wisner Obituary
Preston Wisner 4/17/36-11/9/2021
Preston was born in union city New Jersey to Mary Wisner And Preston Wisner. He was the second child as his sister Rita was born 3 years prior. He grew up living with his maternal grandparents from Italy. At age 17 he was expelled from school for riding his motorcycle down the high school stairs. At this time he decided to join the Air Force, he wanted to fly airplanes, but they made him a medic and his life began. He went to basic training in upstate New York where he met and married his first wife Barbara. He had three sons and adopted a daughter with Barbara. During his military service he got to travel the world. Preston worked really hard at night school and officer training school to attain the rank of Major. Preston was an accomplished civilian pilot and taught for over 50 years. He also got his PHD's in business finance and hospital administration. In 1975 he retired from the Air Force and became a hospital CEO. In 1977 Preston met and married Marian Lobato after divorcing Barbara. Preston and Marian had one daughter and two sons together. In 1983 he moved to Pleasanton Ca, to work for Valley Memorial. Then he moved to San Ramon in 1986. He later worked for the Catholic Healthcare Corporation out of Saratoga. Where he was business man of the year, president of the Chamber, president of the lions blind center, in the rotary and countless other organizations. Preston retired in 2003 to take care of Marian, who passed away in 2010. He moved to Brentwood in 2016 to be close to his daughter Jamie. In 2013 he lost his son Alex. Preston is survived by his four sons and one daughter, Preston, Scott, Mark, and Anthony, and Jamie. He is also survived by his 13 grandchildren and 2 great grandchild and Roxy (his dog). He will be greatly missed.
A burial will be held on Friday, January 28th 2022 from 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM at 5810 Midway Rd. Dixon Ca 95620. A celebration of life will be held on Friday, January 28th 2022 from 12:30 PM to 4:00 PM at the 6308 Crystal Springs Discovery Bay Ca 94505
January 10, 2022
William fellowes planted 10 trees