Paul Edward Fairrell Obituary
Paul Edward Fairrell of Fort Smith, AR passed away on December 4th, 2022 at the age of 65 and was reunited in heaven with his wife Sherrie Fairrell, momma Mildred Fairrell, sister Susan Hampton, and brother Danny Burris. He was survived by his Son Brandon Fairrell, Brandon’s wife, 3 grandchildren, 3 sisters-Linda Hightower, Laura Thrailkill, Tammy Christy, lots of nieces, nephews, and other family and friends.
Paul was a man who could make friends with anyone he walked past. With his outgoing spirit and comical nature, he could spark up a conversation about anything. He loved to make people laugh and keep everyone informed about what was going on in the world. He was a spunky man who wanted to be around his friends and family so much that he would literally walk as far as it took to see the people he loved. Everyone who knows him will never forget his warming, non-stop laughter! He was always ready for any type of adventure on earth, and now he has begun a new adventure with his family in heaven.