Contessa Leigh King Obituary
Graveside service will be at 2pm, Tuesday, October 18, at Crestwood Cemetery for Contessa L. King, 40, Altoona, who passed on the night of Thursday October 13, 2022. Mr. Rick Sauls will officiate. Crestwood Memorial Funeral Home will direct services.
Ms. King was born on the morning of November 22, 1981, in Etowah County. She was a loving friend, daughter, mother, and aunt. She loved art, rock music, poetry, painting and more. She loved people and children; she was always there for people.
She left behind to cherish her memory her father Thomas King; mother Karen King; Nana Peggy Whitehead; pops Richard Whitehead; daughter Nadia Whitehead, Alissa King; son Zen Stocks; sisters Melina King, Francesca, Tozzi, Angela King; nieces Mindi Stancil, Kaci Ball, Lily Humphry, Maya King Juan; nephews Damian King, Rafael King, Rogelio King, and Joses King Juan; and many other family members and dear friends.
Pallbearers are Damian King, Derek Pierce, Moises Juan, Seth Gilbert, John Battles, and others.
The family will receive friends at the funeral home from 11:30am until 1:45pm. following visitation everyone will meet at the graveside for the service. There will be directional arrows guiding to the graveside.
February 22, 2023
Alissa King wrote a sympathy message