Item: #206298
Show them how much you care with this beautifully bright yet reverent arrangement of roses, lilies and alstroemeria. Gracefully presented in a touching tribute to a bright life. Includes: Hot Pink Roses Pink Asiatic Lilies Yellow Alstro Lavender Stock Lavender Daisy Spray Mums Huckleberry Leatherleaf Fern Great Approx : 14 1/2 W x 20 H. Greater Approx : 15 1/2 W x 20 H. Greatest Approx : 16 W x 20 1/2 H
Hamlett-Dobson Funeral Homes
Hamlett-Dobson Funeral Home - Fall Branch
Hamlett-Dobson Funeral Home & Memorial Park
Delivery policy
Same day delivery may be available if orders are placed Monday through Friday by 12:00 pm, Saturday by 11:00 am, and Sunday by 10:00 am in the recipient's time zone.