Obituaries in the United States of people who died on March 8, 2019 - Page 3

3732 Obituaries

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Year of death



Darrel Eugene Barham Obituary
Darrel Eugene Barham

Freeport, Texas

March 8, 2019 (78 years old)

Jed Darrel Terry Obituary
Jed Darrel Terry

Purdy, Missouri

March 8, 2019 (86 years old)

Jessie Callaham Obituary
Jessie Callaham

Gladys, Virginia

March 8, 2019 (96 years old)

Sylvester Lacy Obituary
Sylvester Lacy

Ashland, Virginia

March 8, 2019 (58 years old)

Mariano Gapusan Obituary
Mariano Gapusan

Ewa Beach, Hawaii

March 8, 2019 (63 years old)

Jeffery Paulk McGowan Obituary
Jeffery Paulk McGowan

Pearson, Georgia

March 8, 2019 (77 years old)

Lonnie Delk Griffis Obituary
Lonnie Delk Griffis

Pearson, Georgia

March 8, 2019 (62 years old)

Bonnie McMillan Obituary
Bonnie McMillan

Richmond, Missouri

March 8, 2019 (82 years old)

Betty J McConneghy Obituary
Betty J McConneghy

Westlake, Ohio

March 8, 2019 (92 years old)

Louise (Inez) Meli Obituary
Louise (Inez) Meli

Millsboro, Delaware

March 8, 2019 (88 years old)

John Ramond Stalker Obituary
John Ramond Stalker

Newark Valley, New York

March 8, 2019 (78 years old)

Felipa Ramat Obituary
Felipa Ramat

Ithaca, New York

March 8, 2019 (92 years old)

Harrison Raymond Jr. Obituary
Harrison Raymond Jr.

Trumansburg, New York

March 8, 2019 (90 years old)

Lowell Quinter Liskey Obituary
Lowell Quinter Liskey

Arcadia, Florida

March 8, 2019 (80 years old)

James Page Claypool Obituary
James Page Claypool

Duluth, Minnesota

March 8, 2019 (74 years old)

Cherie A Silvestro Obituary
Cherie A Silvestro

Bountiful, Utah

March 8, 2019 (64 years old)

John Laukaitis Jr. Obituary
John Laukaitis Jr.

Elysburg, Pennsylvania

March 8, 2019 (91 years old)

Anthony Ciesla Jr. Obituary
Anthony Ciesla Jr.

Somerset, New Jersey

March 8, 2019 (53 years old)

James W. Barry Obituary
James W. Barry

Kalamazoo, Michigan

March 8, 2019 (65 years old)

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