Obituaries in the United States of people who died on May 23, 2017 - Page 38

2363 Obituaries

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Year of death



Minnie Y. Gasparrini Obituary
Minnie Y. Gasparrini

Lake City, Florida

May 23, 2017 (74 years old)

Dominic Michael Green Obituary
Dominic Michael Green

Greenville, Illinois

May 23, 2017 (13 years old)

Frances C. Reid Obituary
Frances C. Reid

Hubbard, Ohio

May 23, 2017 (73 years old)

Alejandra Beatriz Diaz Obituary
Alejandra Beatriz Diaz

Unity, Maine

May 23, 2017 (17 years old)

William Foster Obituary
William Foster

Weiner, Arkansas

May 23, 2017 (88 years old)

Wanda Rogers Burnett Obituary
Wanda Rogers Burnett

Shreveport, Louisiana

May 23, 2017 (53 years old)

William Antonucci Obituary
William Antonucci

Grand Rapids, Michigan

May 23, 2017 (68 years old)

Sandra Parsons Kimble Obituary
Sandra Parsons Kimble

Willoughby, Ohio

May 23, 2017 (68 years old)

Melvin Schleicher Obituary
Melvin Schleicher

Pontoon Beach, Illinois

May 23, 2017 (66 years old)

Vondell Humphrey Obituary
Vondell Humphrey

Austin, Texas

May 23, 2017 (87 years old)

Isabel Garcia Obituary
Isabel Garcia

Brothers, Oregon

May 23, 2017 (82 years old)

Ernest C. King Obituary
Ernest C. King

Akron, Ohio

May 23, 2017 (58 years old)

Eugene Charles Ray Obituary
Eugene Charles Ray

Macon, Georgia

May 23, 2017 (67 years old)

Mary Lou Fischer Obituary
Mary Lou Fischer

Tucson, Arizona

May 23, 2017 (84 years old)

Della Goodroe Ward Obituary
Della Goodroe Ward

Street, Maryland

May 23, 2017 (90 years old)

Marva Dawn Alvey Obituary
Marva Dawn Alvey

Richmond, Utah

May 23, 2017 (84 years old)

Theron Stuart Obituary
Theron Stuart

Burton, Michigan

May 23, 2017 (68 years old)

Catherine Runci Obituary
Catherine Runci

Jane, Missouri

May 23, 2017 (70 years old)

Wellnitz Frieda Obituary
Wellnitz Frieda

Milbank, South Dakota

May 23, 2017 (90 years old)

John B. Caskey Obituary
John B. Caskey

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

May 23, 2017 (94 years old)

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