Obituaries in the United States of people who died on December 21, 2016 - Page 13

810 Obituaries

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Year of death



Narciso M Lugo Obituary
Narciso M Lugo

Albuquerque, New Mexico

December 21, 2016 (72 years old)

Jerry Kauffman Obituary
Jerry Kauffman

Rio Rancho, New Mexico

December 21, 2016 (54 years old)

Mabel Badgett Obituary
Mabel Badgett

Gallatin, Tennessee

December 21, 2016 (92 years old)

Walter I. Day Jr. Obituary
Walter I. Day Jr.

Revere, Pennsylvania

December 21, 2016 (77 years old)

Paul Wayne Carter Obituary
Paul Wayne Carter

Trumann, Arkansas

December 21, 2016 (72 years old)

Frances King Obituary
Frances King

Leakey, Texas

December 21, 2016 (88 years old)

Christine A. Crane Obituary
Christine A. Crane

Nekoosa, Wisconsin

December 21, 2016 (64 years old)

Juanita Pratt Obituary
Juanita Pratt

Farmington, Missouri

December 21, 2016 (78 years old)

Aurora Nãºñez Obituary
Aurora Nãºñez

Houston, Texas

December 21, 2016 (81 years old)

Helen Phillips Obituary
Helen Phillips

Abraham, West Virginia

December 21, 2016 (4 years old)

Patricia Ann Scott Obituary
Patricia Ann Scott

California, Maryland

December 21, 2016 (79 years old)

Lori Boudreau Moore Obituary
Lori Boudreau Moore

Asheboro, North Carolina

December 21, 2016 (75 years old)

Margaret Parker Harris Obituary
Margaret Parker Harris

Lexington, North Carolina

December 21, 2016 (84 years old)

Lloyd Malpass Obituary
Lloyd Malpass

Asheboro, North Carolina

December 21, 2016 (93 years old)

Phyllis Eastman Obituary
Phyllis Eastman

Madison, South Dakota

December 21, 2016 (77 years old)

Doyle Brekke Obituary
Doyle Brekke

Des Moines, Iowa

December 21, 2016 (82 years old)

Orville Buchanon Obituary
Orville Buchanon

Florence, Arizona

December 21, 2016 (71 years old)

Maria Socorro Hernandez Obituary
Maria Socorro Hernandez

Kingsville, Texas

December 21, 2016 (74 years old)

Mable Inez Byrd Obituary
Mable Inez Byrd

Cleveland, Mississippi

December 21, 2016 (88 years old)

Rebecca Story Obituary
Rebecca Story

Charleston, Missouri

December 21, 2016 (89 years old)

Debra Atwood Obituary
Debra Atwood

Beaufort, North Carolina

December 21, 2016 (60 years old)

Earl W Thomas Obituary
Earl W Thomas

Home, Kansas

December 21, 2016 (94 years old)

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