Obituaries in the United States of people who died on November 28, 2016 - Page 27

788 Obituaries

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Year of death



Natalie Johnson Obituary
Natalie Johnson

Hagerstown, Maryland

November 28, 2016 (101 years old)

William Edwards Obituary
William Edwards

Fairfield Glade, Tennessee

November 28, 2016 (76 years old)

Gloria Owens Obituary
Gloria Owens

Star, Mississippi

November 28, 2016 (67 years old)

Darrell Stevens E. Obituary
Darrell Stevens E.

Grant City, Missouri

November 28, 2016 (89 years old)

Harland George Watrud Obituary
Harland George Watrud

Blanchardville, Wisconsin

November 28, 2016 (93 years old)

Andor Schummer Obituary
Andor Schummer

Medina, Ohio

November 28, 2016 (81 years old)

Scott William Tallman Obituary
Scott William Tallman

Salem, Oregon

November 28, 2016 (50 years old)

Annemarie Tice Obituary
Annemarie Tice

South Euclid, Ohio

November 28, 2016 (76 years old)

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