Obituaries in the United States of people who died on June 3, 2016 - Page 19

687 Obituaries

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Year of death



Violet R. Holder Obituary
Violet R. Holder

Granite City, Illinois

June 3, 2016 (83 years old)

Elizabeth Jones Obituary
Elizabeth Jones

Meriden, Connecticut

June 3, 2016 (59 years old)

Gerold Keller Obituary
Gerold Keller

Gering, Nebraska

June 3, 2016 (87 years old)

Marvin Wellen Obituary
Marvin Wellen

Trenton, Kentucky

June 3, 2016 (81 years old)

Mary Denhart Obituary
Mary Denhart

Anna, Ohio

June 3, 2016 (58 years old)

Dorothy Kurtz Obituary
Dorothy Kurtz

Hamilton, Ohio

June 3, 2016 (94 years old)

Betty Barrowcliff Obituary
Betty Barrowcliff

Oxford, Ohio

June 3, 2016 (95 years old)

Mary Louise Laws Obituary
Mary Louise Laws

Bear, Delaware

June 3, 2016 (93 years old)

Larry Whitley Obituary
Larry Whitley

Durant, Oklahoma

June 3, 2016 (66 years old)

Marie G. Alimena Obituary
Marie G. Alimena

Vermont, Illinois

June 3, 2016 (87 years old)

Barbara M. Radka Obituary
Barbara M. Radka

Wilmington, Delaware

June 3, 2016 (88 years old)

Roberto Gardea Obituary
Roberto Gardea

Salinas, California

June 3, 2016 (93 years old)

Charles Daniel Homedew Obituary
Charles Daniel Homedew

Olathe, Colorado

June 3, 2016 (100 years old)

Evelyn Essman Obituary
Evelyn Essman

Texarkana, Arkansas

June 3, 2016 (83 years old)

James Thompson Obituary
James Thompson

Home, Kansas

June 3, 2016 (87 years old)

Joe Meeks Obituary
Joe Meeks

Tuscaloosa, Alabama

June 3, 2016 (74 years old)

Edna Lawrence Obituary
Edna Lawrence

Scranton, Iowa

June 3, 2016 (95 years old)

Ione Grinnell Obituary
Ione Grinnell

Holiday, Florida

June 3, 2016 (92 years old)

Ruth Perron Obituary
Ruth Perron

Newport, Vermont

June 3, 2016 (86 years old)

Beatrice Stevens Obituary
Beatrice Stevens

Laingsburg, Michigan

June 3, 2016 (88 years old)

Raymond Nosker Obituary
Raymond Nosker

Topeka, Kansas

June 3, 2016 (86 years old)

Lupe Reyes Jr. Obituary
Lupe Reyes Jr.

Cotton Center, Texas

June 3, 2016 (54 years old)

Nolen Millsapps Jr. Obituary
Nolen Millsapps Jr.

Acworth, Georgia

June 3, 2016 (67 years old)

James Marcus Obituary
James Marcus

Harmony Grove, California

June 3, 2016 (69 years old)

Milwood Adams Obituary
Milwood Adams

Thomaston, Alabama

June 3, 2016 (76 years old)

Charles Pechart Obituary
Charles Pechart

Dillsburg, Pennsylvania

June 3, 2016 (61 years old)

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