Obituaries in the United States of people who died on January 18, 2016 - Page 20

695 Obituaries

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Year of death



Kenyon Belknap Obituary
Kenyon Belknap

White Bear Lake, Minnesota

January 18, 2016 (93 years old)

Annie Wilson Obituary
Annie Wilson

Price, Utah

January 18, 2016 (88 years old)

Adrian Breton Obituary
Adrian Breton

Greenville, Maine

January 18, 2016 (88 years old)

Tommy Hale Obituary
Tommy Hale

Scott City, Kansas

January 18, 2016 (56 years old)

Larry Farrar Obituary
Larry Farrar

Sikeston, Missouri

January 18, 2016 (85 years old)

Dollie McIntosh Obituary
Dollie McIntosh

Baldwyn, Mississippi

January 18, 2016 (63 years old)

Judy Dean Obituary
Judy Dean

Southport, Connecticut

January 18, 2016 (76 years old)

Curtis L. Clark Obituary
Curtis L. Clark

Helena, Arkansas

January 18, 2016 (77 years old)

Lorin Bressler Obituary
Lorin Bressler

Idaho Falls, Idaho

January 18, 2016 (86 years old)

Steve Burns Obituary
Steve Burns

Harold, Kentucky

January 18, 2016 (68 years old)

Henry Wayne Freeman Obituary
Henry Wayne Freeman

Bono, Arkansas

January 18, 2016 (77 years old)

Deacon William Anthony Jr. West Obituary
Deacon William Anthony Jr. West

Phoenix, Arizona

January 18, 2016 (78 years old)

Anne Louise Sammons Obituary
Anne Louise Sammons

Sioux Falls, South Dakota

January 18, 2016 (84 years old)

Valentin E. Gomez Obituary
Valentin E. Gomez

Phoenix, Arizona

January 18, 2016 (87 years old)

Doris Cox Obituary
Doris Cox

Clarkston, Utah

January 18, 2016 (83 years old)

Betty Lang Obituary
Betty Lang

Clarkston, Michigan

January 18, 2016 (86 years old)

Gordon Trute Obituary
Gordon Trute

Big Rapids, Michigan

January 18, 2016 (76 years old)

Norman Peterson Obituary
Norman Peterson

Big Rapids, Michigan

January 18, 2016 (89 years old)

Annie Hayashi Obituary
Annie Hayashi

Northfield, Ohio

January 18, 2016 (62 years old)

Mildred Chonko Obituary
Mildred Chonko

Elizabeth, New Jersey

January 18, 2016 (84 years old)

Brian Thomas Obituary
Brian Thomas

Terre Haute, Indiana

January 18, 2016 (31 years old)

Douglas Hines Obituary
Douglas Hines

South Easton, Massachusetts

January 18, 2016 (75 years old)

Shane Mancuso Obituary
Shane Mancuso

North Attleboro, Massachusetts

January 18, 2016 (42 years old)

Rani Ball Obituary
Rani Ball

Yukon, Oklahoma

January 18, 2016 (67 years old)

Timothy Berube Obituary
Timothy Berube

Rochester, New Hampshire

January 18, 2016 (53 years old)

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