Obituaries in the United States of people who died on January 15, 2016

705 Obituaries

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Year of death



Shannon McKinney Obituary
Shannon McKinney

Salina, Kansas

January 15, 2016 (54 years old)

Shani Hoover Obituary
Shani Hoover

Phillipsburg, Kansas

January 15, 2016 (44 years old)

Wendy Vycas Obituary
Wendy Vycas

Orland Park, Illinois

January 15, 2016 (60 years old)

Janice Masau Obituary
Janice Masau

Oak Lawn, Illinois

January 15, 2016 (62 years old)

Richard Miscavage Obituary
Richard Miscavage

Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania

January 15, 2016 (50 years old)

Dorothy Shute Obituary
Dorothy Shute

Bucksport, Maine

January 15, 2016 (84 years old)

Leona M. Ogden Obituary
Leona M. Ogden

Litchfield, Illinois

January 15, 2016 (86 years old)

Jane Marie Hemann Obituary
Jane Marie Hemann

Staunton, Illinois

January 15, 2016 (71 years old)

Dorothy Marie Nieman Obituary
Dorothy Marie Nieman

Higginsville, Missouri

January 15, 2016 (94 years old)

Nathan Doll Obituary
Nathan Doll

Conway Springs, Kansas

January 15, 2016 (10 years old)

Jeannette Marie Mills Obituary
Jeannette Marie Mills

Big Pool, Maryland

January 15, 2016 (85 years old)

Eldon Means Sr. Obituary
Eldon Means Sr.

Fair Play, Missouri

January 15, 2016 (81 years old)

Ruby Wilson Obituary
Ruby Wilson

Greenwood, Missouri

January 15, 2016 (96 years old)

Ralph McCurry Jr. Obituary
Ralph McCurry Jr.

Fair Grove, Missouri

January 15, 2016 (77 years old)

Dorothy Larrimore Obituary
Dorothy Larrimore

Conway, South Carolina

January 15, 2016 (66 years old)

Carl Donald Baker Obituary
Carl Donald Baker

Tawas City, Michigan

January 15, 2016 (44 years old)

Ellen I. Beck Obituary
Ellen I. Beck

Oscoda, Michigan

January 15, 2016 (74 years old)

Doris M. Crowley Obituary
Doris M. Crowley

Cadillac, Michigan

January 15, 2016 (94 years old)

Jerry L. Tong Obituary
Jerry L. Tong

Fostoria, Ohio

January 15, 2016 (68 years old)

Beverly June Paulsen Obituary
Beverly June Paulsen

New Hartford, Iowa

January 15, 2016 (90 years old)

Helen M. Deere Obituary
Helen M. Deere

Mansfield, Ohio

January 15, 2016 (94 years old)

Edward J. Maresco Obituary
Edward J. Maresco

Euclid, Ohio

January 15, 2016 (92 years old)

Donald R. McDaniel Obituary
Donald R. McDaniel

Mansfield, Ohio

January 15, 2016 (79 years old)

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